
Blog Entries - 'school'

Managing Your Child’s Food Allergies at School

Managing Your Child’s Food Allergies at School

by Lisa Musician, RD How can parents best partner with a school to insure their child’s food allergies are managed safely and successfully? For anyone sending a child off to school, it can be exciting,

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Do You Know How to Navigate through FAACT’s Education Resource Center?

Do You Know How to Navigate through FAACT’s Education Resource Center?

Did you know that FAACT has a HUGE, FREE printable resource section on their website? And, ALL of the resources and programs are FREE and downloadable for print! Wondering what you can find in this comprehensive area?

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The Food Allergy Parent’s #1 Back-to-School Tool: Educate, Educate, Educate!

The Food Allergy Parent’s #1 Back-to-School Tool: Educate, Educate, Educate!

by Alison Grace Johansen If you’re a food allergy parent like me, you’re undoubtedly in full back-to-school preparation mode. You’ve probably been planning for quite a while now. Whether we’ve

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How Can Parents Best Partner with a School to Insure Their Child’s Food Allergies are Managed Safely and Successfully?

How Can Parents Best Partner with a School to Insure Their Child’s Food Allergies are Managed Safely and Successfully?

For anyone sending a child off to school, it can be exciting, worrisome and challenging, especially when your child has a food allergy. Most parents are focused on the educational aspects of their child’s school,

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Celebrating Safely

Celebrating Safely

by Tami PylesIt happens frequently at our house - a brightly colored envelope arrives in the mailbox or spills out of a school bag. I know exactly what it is before my daughter rips into it- another party invitation.

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How Do You Celebrate Food Allergy Awareness Month?

How Do You Celebrate Food Allergy Awareness Month?

The entire month of May is Food Allergy Awareness Month with the bulk of the activities and special events taking place during Food Allergy Awareness Week, May 14-20, 2017. When we hear about food allergy awareness week

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Allergy Sufferer vs. Allergy Advocate – Empowering Our Kids to Take Charge of Their Challenges

Allergy Sufferer vs. Allergy Advocate – Empowering Our Kids to Take Charge of Their Challenges

by Daniella Knell April is one of my favorite times of year because I am prepping to present food allergy awareness classes during Food Allergy Awareness Week in May. As my kids get older and older, my focus switches

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How to Effectively Communicate with your Child’s Teacher and School Administration When Managing Food Allergies

How to Effectively Communicate with your Child’s Teacher and School Administration When Managing Food Allergies

by Kristin Osborne, Founder of Virginia Food Allergy Advocates When it comes to managing food allergies at school, it is important to articulate your child’s needs at the earliest opportunity, and with thought

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TIPS to Create a Safe & TEAL Halloween

TIPS to Create a Safe & TEAL Halloween

by Stacey Stratton, FAACT’s Publications Manager Teal Pumpkins are such a great way to include children with food allergies and help them enjoy a “safe” and happy Halloween. Besides helping children with food

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Advocating Made Simple – Small Steps to Creating a Safer World

Advocating Made Simple – Small Steps to Creating a Safer World

by Daniella Knell ‘Food Allergy Awareness Week, 2005’ lit a food allergy advocacy fire in me which I didn’t know existed. At the time, I was living in Utah and the local food allergy network group had

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