Blog Entries - 'Travel'
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- Workforce (4)
- Workplace (6)
Navigating the Holidays with Food Allergies
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT’s Vice President of Community Relations Once again, this holiday season will look, feel, and possibly taste different. Yet we’ve become masters of pivoting thanks to the Covid-19
FAACT's Family Activities Provide Food Allergy Education and Growth
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT’s Vice President of Community Relations Birthday party invitations have returned to inboxes as new restaurants are popping up, and our lives are waking up to a new normal. Yet for
Bringing Hope, Love, and Empathy into the New Year for Those Living with Food Allergies
by Eleanor Garrow-Holding, FAACT President & CEO December 5th, 2004 is a day I will never forget. On this day 17 years ago, my dad was laid to rest; and 16 years ago, 19-month-old Thomas had his first anaphylactic
FAACT's Resource Page on COVID-19
Updated 9/4/22 Given the global spread of novel coronavirus, also known as COVID-19, we appreciate that these are uncertain and stressful times. The safety and health of all individuals is always the highest priority
FAACT Shares 10 Important Safety Reminders for Celebrating the Holidays
by Stacey Stratton The holidays are approaching and can bring your family party invites and travel plans. Here are some food allergy safety reminders to help you have a safe and enjoyable holiday season. 1.
Food Allergies & Field Trips
by Stacey Stratton If your child’s school is planning a field trip, be sure to find out the answers to these 5 things: When, Where, How, What, and Who. By discussing these questions, you’ll help everyone prepare
Ask, Read, and Label! Three Ways to Increase Safety this Holiday Season!
by: The Team of Nutless Life “Does this amazing looking dish contain...?” isn’t exactly this year’s top icebreaker question to ask at every holiday function for people with food allergies. However, it is the
Increasing Allergy Safety while Enjoying Allergy-Friendly Sweets this Holiday Season
by Stacey Stratton, FAACT’s Publications Manager The holidays are made for celebrating, and this usually includes lots of food and fun! Here are some of FAACT’s reminders and tips, as you prepare for the holiday
Grandparents Can Create an Inclusive Holiday
by Kathy Thornburg The holidays are a wonderful time of family and fun, but with the most wonderful time of the year also comes the stress of creating a safe experience while traveling and eating at others’ homes
Navigating the Emotional Seas of Food Allergies: One Parent’s Journey Towards Resilience
by Tamara Hubbard, MA, LCPC As a parent, there are days that are etched in your mind forever. The day your children were born. Their first words. Their first steps. Their first days of school. But when you’re the