
Blog Entries - 'Tips'

10 Important Safety Reminders for Celebrating the Holidays from FAACT

10 Important Safety Reminders for Celebrating the Holidays from FAACT

by Stacey Stratton, FAACT's Publications Manager The holidays are approaching, and can bring your family party invites and travel plans. Here are some food allergy safety reminders to help you have a safe and enjoyable

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FAACT's Halloween Safety Tips

FAACT's Halloween Safety Tips

by Cindy Gordon, FAACT’s Communication Manager Halloween can easily become a daunting holiday to celebrate for food allergy families. But you can change this! With a little education and prep work your children

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How Can Parents Best Partner with a School to Insure Their Child’s Food Allergies are Managed Safely and Successfully?

How Can Parents Best Partner with a School to Insure Their Child’s Food Allergies are Managed Safely and Successfully?

For anyone sending a child off to school, it can be exciting, worrisome and challenging, especially when your child has a food allergy. Most parents are focused on the educational aspects of their child’s school,

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Why Should Your Child Wear A Medical ID?

Why Should Your Child Wear A Medical ID?

Does your food allergic child wear a medical ID? Here is the importance and positives of why they should. We have our emergency action plan, a trusted allergist, and always carry two epinephrine auto injectors. All

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Allergy Sufferer vs. Allergy Advocate – Empowering Our Kids to Take Charge of Their Challenges

Allergy Sufferer vs. Allergy Advocate – Empowering Our Kids to Take Charge of Their Challenges

by Daniella Knell April is one of my favorite times of year because I am prepping to present food allergy awareness classes during Food Allergy Awareness Week in May. As my kids get older and older, my focus switches

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Traveling with Food Allergies

Traveling with Food Allergies

by William Antony, FAACT Teen Advisory Council Member When asked to write a blog about living with multiple, life-threatening food allergies from the perspective of a 17-year-old boy, I jumped at the chance. There are

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Allergy-Friendly Ways for Celebrating Valentine’s Day

Allergy-Friendly Ways for Celebrating Valentine’s Day

by Stacey Stratton and Cindy Gordon The spread of teal at Halloween is helping provide allergy-friendly options for children with food allergies. With your help, food allergy awareness can be brought to other holidays

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Increasing Allergy Safety while Enjoying Allergy-Friendly Sweets

Increasing Allergy Safety while Enjoying Allergy-Friendly Sweets

by Stacey Stratton, FAACT’s Publications Manager The holidays are made for celebrating, and this usually includes lots of food and fun! Here are some of FAACT’s reminders and tips, as you prepare for the

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10 Important Safety Reminders for Celebrating the Holidays from FAACT

10 Important Safety Reminders for Celebrating the Holidays from FAACT

by Stacey Stratton, FAACT's Publications Manager The holidays are approaching, and can bring your family party invites and travel plans. Here are some food allergy safety reminders to help you have a safe and enjoyable

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FAACT Sponsored Another Fabulous FABlogCon in Denver!

FAACT Sponsored Another Fabulous FABlogCon in Denver!

Just last weekend food allergy caregivers, advocates, food allergy bloggers and more gathered to unite together at The Food Allergy Bloggers Conference in Denver, Colorado. The first FAB Conference was held in 2013 and

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