
Blog Entries - 'Teens'

What I Wish Every Teenager Knew

What I Wish Every Teenager Knew

by Brianna Hobbs Last November, I attended the Food Allergy Blogger Conference in Denver. During the opening ceremony, we had a moment of silence for those who had died from adverse food allergy reactions over the past

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My Camp TAG Experience

My Camp TAG Experience

When my Mom told me about Camp TAG in Big Bear, California, I was excited to go to a summer camp where my worries about my food allergies wouldn’t go to camp with me. On my first day at camp, I met many new and

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College and Food Allergies

College and Food Allergies

by Elyse HahneExcitement is in the air as college is in the mind of many high school seniors. The thought of high school almost over is a huge accomplishment and college seems so far away. Being away from parents is

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"I Am Living the Dream!"
Heidi Willins (left) & Katherine Schug (right)

"I Am Living the Dream!"

by Katherine Schug, FAACT Teen Advisory Council Member During FAACT’s Teen Conference in Chicago two weeks ago, I learned about self-empowerment and “rewriting my script.” I started the magical

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Join Kyle Dine at FAACT's Teen Conference in Chicago, October 24-26th!

Join Kyle Dine at FAACT's Teen Conference in Chicago, October 24-26th!

Kyle Dine knows food allergies. He is allergic to peanut, tree nuts, egg, and mustard. He turned his life-threatening food allergies into a career in music and education, working to empower youth and pass along the

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Dating with Food Allergies

Dating with Food Allergies

By Natascia Simone, FAACT College/Young Adult Council Member How many of you (or your teens) are afraid to talk about food allergies with a person you just started dating? I think almost everyone is raising their hand

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FAACT CEO Excited To Share Our Food Allergy Conferences with YOU!

FAACT CEO Excited To Share Our Food Allergy Conferences with YOU!

FAACT’s upcoming Food Allergy Conferences provide a full day of educational sessions led by leading medical professionals and food allergy advocates. Each conference offers education and support for parents,

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Living With Food Allergies - Food Allergy Awareness Week!

Living With Food Allergies - Food Allergy Awareness Week!

by Natascia Simone, FAACT College/Young Adult Council Member In celebration of “Food Allergy Awareness Week,” I am introducing my new blog and promoting FAAW in my community. My name is Natascia Simone,

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Time to Wear Teal!

Time to Wear Teal!

By Emery Gewirtz, FAACT Teen Advisory Council MemberAllergic to dairy, fish, and shellfish          Pretty soon my wardrobe will consist of a lot of teal. Yes, of course, I

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