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Vacationing WITHOUT your Food-Allergic Kids? Basic tips can make this possibility a reality!

By Guest Blogger, Daniella Knell, Smart Allergy~Friendly Education (SAFE)
Vacationing with food-allergic kids can be challenging; at times, daunting. However, can you imagine going without them? Trusting others to make sure they don't eat something they shouldn't? Who will pack their lunches correctly? Will they know where to go to get your child's favorite waffles? Who, besides you, knows where to go in case of an emergency?
Unimaginable? ALMOST... but not impossible!
Having just returned from a week-long getaway WITHOUT our food-allergic kids, we realized that with the right resources, there ARE others who can successfully take care of our children. After rummaging through the very large packet of information I left for my mother-in-law, here are the resources she found the most helpful.
- Numbers for doctors, allergist, hospital, neighbors, and close friends.
- Map outlining local streets, marked with where the important places are located.
- Copy of Anaphylaxis & Food Allergy Action Plan with food allergies clearly noted. Also, mark down what reactions to watch for, particularly if you manage anaphylactic and non-anaphylactic reactions.
Write a list of foods your child can safely consume. Include specific brand names of snacks/snack bars, candies, cereals, and pre-packaged products they eat. We include fruits and vegetables, particularly those which may not be as common in other households such as edamame and bok choy.
Favorite restaurants and places you frequent. Include specifics on what is a safe (i.e., they can have the hamburgers; you can order with the bun but kids won't eat it; no cheese or topping on the burger; or bring your own buns).
An allergy-friendly cabinet or pantry shelf. Probably one of the easiest ways to put your caretakers and your children at ease when you’re gone. Load up this designated area with your allergy-friendly snacks!
So get out there and start planning your own getaway, even if it’s just for a night or two!
Daniella Knell, is the owner of Smart Allergy~Friendly Education (SAFE). As a mom of two children who are allergic to 6 of the top 8 food allergens, she is actively involved in raising allergy awareness within her community. As an allergy awareness educator and consultant, you can also find her presenting in local schools and hospitals, blogging, and offering one-on-one consulting.
Looking for allergy-friendly ideas for your household? Check out her ideas on, Facebook, Linked Inor Twitter.