Blog Entries - 'food-allergy-blog'

Safe Adventures: Fun in the Summer Sun
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT Vice President of Community Relations Create life-long summertime memories with high-octane tips for day trips and socializing! Life with food allergies is tough, but thankfully, the world

Discovering Random Acts of Kindness during Food Allergy Awareness Month
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT Vice President of Community Relations Creating a better world for people living with food allergies is something we all do every day. Every action matters, whether it’s reading a label

We Truly ARE Stronger Together - So Grateful for Our Community
It’s a common saying: the whole is greater than the sum of its parts. The food allergy community proved that it’s true on Super Bowl Sunday! In early February, Uber Eats previewed an ad they had scheduled to run

12 Ways To Celebrate Safely for Valentine’s Day
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT’s Vice President of Community Relations February is the month of love! Valentine’s Day reminds us to share our appreciation and affection for family, friends, classmates, and community.
2023 Was A Year Worth Celebrating
by Eleanor Garrow-Holding, FAACT President & CEO As I reflect on 2023 celebrating FAACT’s 10th year, it warms my heart to know that we touched so many families’ and individuals’ lives. I’ve always said that if

Top Holiday Tips for Making Fun and Safe Memories
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT’s Vice President of Community Relations Enjoy the season and time with your family and friends this year with savvy strategies and tools. FAACT curated our top tips and links to our best

Holiday Cheer with Less Stress
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT’s Vice President of Community Relations The holidays are a time when families and friends gather, but there can be an underlying layer of stress surrounding food allergies and family

FAACT's Fall Summits Were A Success!
FAACT’s Global Food Industry & Research Summit FAACT’s ninth annual Global Food Industry and Research Summit provided an open forum for food industry stakeholders to explore how to safely meet the needs

The Relentless School Nurse: Safely Caring for Students with Food Allergies Is a Collaborative Effort
by Robin Cogan, MEd, RN, NCSN, FNASN, FAAN Understanding the roles and responsibilities of school nurses and the challenges they face is vital for parents and caregivers in creating a supportive and safe learning

It's Time! Are You Ready for “Back-to-School” with Food Allergies?
by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT’s Vice President of Community Relations Happy Back-to-School season! Let’s kick off a great new school year by loading up your food allergy lunch box with some of the best tools in town