
My Camp TAG Experience

My Camp TAG Experience

When my Mom told me about Camp TAG in Big Bear, California, I was excited to go to a summer camp where my worries about my food allergies wouldn’t go to camp with me. On my first day at camp, I met many new and interesting people. I met kids with food allergies – just like me! Some kids lived in the same state and some lived in states nearby. I met kids who had the same allergies as me and some kids who were allergic to many other foods.

I really liked meeting the camp counselors. After being with them during the week, I felt more comfortable with the idea of being a teenager with food allergies when I grow up. I plan to come back to Camp TAG every year. When I turn 13, I want to be a camp counselor, too!

I had so much fun doing all of the activities offered at Camp TAG. My favorites were canoeing and swimming. I tried new things like GaGa, archery, and rock wall climbing.

The educational activities were fun, too. My group made a commercial that taught kids what to do if they have a food allergy and want to attend a birthday party. I liked teaching other kids about food allergies.

It was fun to have my little brother, who does not have food allergies, come to camp with me too. He made new friends and had a good time.

Another of my favorite things about camp was that everyone was able to eat lunch together. No one was left out and everyone was safe.

Camp TAG was a great experience and I’m looking forward to the Teen Conference in October!