
Are You Ready for Back-to-School with Food Allergies?


by Caroline Moassessi, FAACT’s Vice President of Community Relations

Time to dust off lunch boxes and backpacks as you print out your student’s updated Allergy and Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan. Saying goodbye to summer is still several weeks away, but today’s planning will help ensure a successful new school year. FAACT is here to help put the best tools in your pocket to successfully manage your student’s food allergies in the classroom.

Open up your toolbox and reach deep for classic tools – plus a few new tricks – with your FAACT family by your side. Your most powerful tool is your commitment to communication.

Important Back-to-School Tools

We wish you and your family a fun, safe, and productive new school year. We leave you with one final powerhouse tip from FAACT’s General Counsel and Vice President of Civil Rights Advocacy, Amelia Smith: “There are great resources out there, and I’m always available.” Did you know you can contact Amelia directly to brainstorm school solutions? Email

You are never alone when you are part of the FAACT family!