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New Hope Mills Issues Allergy Alert on Undeclared Soy in New Hope Mills Gluten Free Chia Pancake and Waffle Mix

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - October 16, 2014 - New Hope Mills Manufacturing of Auburn, NY is recalling all Gluten Free Chia Pancake and Waffle Mix because it may contain undeclared soy. People who have an allergy or severe sensitivity to soy run the risk of serious or life-threatening allergic reaction if they consume these products.
New Hope Mills Gluten Free Chia Pancake and Waffle Mix was distributed to distributors and retailers in NY, PA, NH, OK, and FL.
The affected product, New Hope Mills Gluten Free Chia Pancake and Waffle Mix, can be identified as a 16 OZ bag in a boxboard box. The box itself is primarily red and white, and includes on the front of box, the New Hope Mills logo along with a picture of the Chia Pancakes. The UPC code on the box reads “07470353012”. The boxes affected will have one of the following “Best By Dates” on the bottom of the box: 11/13/2014, 11/14/2014, 2/26/2015, 7/29/2015, 10/4/2015, 12/13/2015
No illnesses have been reported to date.
New Hope Mills was contacted on 10/15/2014 by The Raymond-Hadley Corp., the Contract Manufacturer of New Hope Mills Gluten Free Chia Pancake and Waffle Mix. The Raymond-Hadley Corp. notified New Hope Mills that they had discovered that New Hope Mills Gluten Free Chia Pancake and Waffle Mix was made with an ingredient containing soy and was produced and distributed in packaging that did not reveal the presence of soy.
Consumers who have purchased New Hope Mills Gluten Free Chia Pancake and Waffle Mix are urged to return it to the place of purchase for a full refund. Consumers with questions may contact the company at 315-252-2676. Monday – Friday, 8am-4pm, EST.